That's Bea's way of doing things, so it's only right that you follow suit. In fact, Bea likes it when she can just read and be be herself. She tried joining the Kawaii Crossing book club, but everyone there was talking and she got a little overwhelmed. Plus, by the time the group of friend met up, Bea had already ready 19 other books and it got confusing.
I get it. Sometimes quiet with a book and some good coffee is the best kind of social gathering!
True story: Bea was originally going to be a bear and she was going to be more about coffee than books. The change happened because I already featured a Panda and even though they aren't the same, they have the same shape. I also have some big coffee plans for next year and that's all I'll say. Except that it also relates to this:
Have you found my bonus patterns and other fun stuff on Ko-Fi? Each month this year there's been a mini plush pattern, plus a few other things from time to time, along with a border pattern that holds all of the Kawaii crossing residents from this year. All of those things unlock when you send me a Ko-Fi donation, and more good things are coming to those who subscribe!
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