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learn to embroider in a super cute way!

Super Cute Stitching Sampler If you love kawaii cute things and want to learn how to embroider, I'm here for you. In fact, I have an all-new course that's designed for beginners.

There are lots of embroidery courses and I've certainly made plenty of embroidery tutorials here on my blog and some on YouTube. But I wanted to make something that would take you from start to finish. From what materials to use all the way to how to soak, iron, and frame your stitching, all in one place.

Super Cute Intro to Embroidery is just that. It's an online class filled with videos to each you all the embroidery basics. But it's not just about learning some stitches. It's also a way to do that while making things super cute.

Super Cute Stitching Sampler

I created a special sampler pattern that allows you to practice all of the stitches and use adorable candy colors, while learning how to get ready to stitch and finish off the project. Actually, there are two version of the sampler so you can choose if you want to stitch a heart or a star in the center of your design! In the lessons you'll also learn several ways to stitch faces and add some extra cute details.

In 2+ hours of video, plus written instructions, with stitch diagrams, you'll learn:

• What supplies you'll need
• How to prepare your fabric
• Multiple ways to transfer a pattern
• How to separate strands of embroidery floss
• How to hoop your fabric
• The Basic 3 stitches I use (back stitch, scallop stitch, and French knot)
• More stitches: straight, star, running, split, stem, chain (2 ways!), lazy daisy, satin, and long-short
• A bonus stitch for making faces
• How to strip embroidery floss
• How to soak and iron your embroidery
• A simple way to frame your finished stitching
• How to add a bit of extra cuteness to embroidered faces

Super Cute Intro to Embroidery will prepare you for all kinds of embroidery, whether you're stitching my kawaii-style embroidery patterns or designs from other creators. Super Cute Stitching Sampler

My goal is to teach more people to embroider. Which is where there is a low, one-time cost for registration. And then you get full access to all the class content.

I want to make all my favorite stitching techniques accessible, enjoyable, and super cute. Even if you've never picked up an embroidery hoop and needle, YOU CAN DO THIS!

Now, if you're already an experienced embroiderer, this course may not be for you. But if you've just dabbled a bit and want to feel more confident, this will help get you there! It would also be a great class to assist you as you teach a young crafter how to embroider. It's not designed for specifically kids, but I think they would love it!

Super Cute Stitching

You can find my Super Cute Intro to Embroidery course at SuperCuteStitching.com, where you'll also find some other fun stuff. And more to come soon!


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