Home for the holidays. In most years those words give warm fuzzy feelings or perhaps bittersweet memories and longing for what can't be. This year will have more of the latter as we stay home for the holidays. And it felt right to capture that in an embroidery pattern
We can call this "stitching our feelings."
Before I get to the pattern download, let me tell you a little about how my family celebrates the holiday season from Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. Growing up, we always had large family gatherings, often with driving a few hours, though sometimes these would be closer or at our house. Sometimes it would be 10 people and other times it would be 40. And And while it wasn't all only good times, it is mostly positive memories.
When my grandparents and other older family members couldn't travel easily, the gatherings got smaller. Some folks moved further away. Family and friends passed away. Now for several years we've mostly been just our immediate family home for the holidays. This year my brother moved and got married and we're not sure when we'll next get to see him again. He won't be home for any of the remaining holidays in 2020.
It's hard and it's weird.
And I don't want this to be all sad, but I do want to say that even in hard and weird and sad times, it's okay. We can all find ways to make memories and celebrate.
Whether it's because folks are far away or as a way to keep family members safe or to show that you love your neighbors by preventing the spread of COVID-19, staying home for the holidays can be okay.

When I first made this pattern my mom immediately asked if I would be stitching it (she knows I don't always stitch up a sample!). And I told her no! But then I changed my mind and got started. It's not quite finished yet, but it won't take much longer. It's not in my typical color choices, but my mom likes it and that's all that matters. Also, I opted to not stitch the 2020 at the bottom of this, per my mom's request.
This design fits very nicely in a 6-inch embroidery hoop. You could frame it and send it to those you wish you could be with for the holidays! I think mine is going to be a trivet with some fun quilting around it. We'll see...
Okay, how about that pattern now?!
What are your plans as you stay home for the holidays? Will you be Zoom baking cookies with others, opening gifts on Face Time, or mailing fun surprises? Share your ideas in the comments!
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