So here we are, almost at the end of December (okay, so since this is the 29th, it IS the end of December) and I'm just now posting this last free pattern of the year? Honestly, it feels quite apt. I'll get into that soon, but I don't want to let the year end without posting this.
Ironically, I had this pattern ready on December 1, but I hoped to actually stitch it for a photo. That STILL hasn't happened, so whatever. Done and shared is better than perfect and stitched, right? Right.
For all those who have been stitching along with these birthstones this year, get ready for the last one! It's a princess cut blue zircon (or whatever color stone you want!). So pretty!
I wasn't sure about what the 2019 theme would be for my calendars and patterns...until perhaps right as I was typing this. But you'll have to wait just a few more days for that!
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