At this time of year, you see a lot of "top nine" posts popping up on Instagram. You can see mine above, but I wanted to do a little more here on my blog to look back at 2018. You see, I'm really good at keeping track of the things I didn't get done and feeling bad about them. But I forget about the stuff I did accomplish.
Do you do this too? Seriously, I get down on myself. And that's not helpful. So that's why I put together this list. Not to show off. But to celebrate good things. I'd encourage you to do the same. Look back over your year and celebrate the blessings of work, leisure, people, projects, food, fun, and more.
Ready for my list? Here's a look back at why I'm so tired as the year comes to a close. In 2018, I...

In addition to these, there were more posts and projects I didn't even count. I traveled to a few fun places, spent time with incredible family and friends, made personal projects and gifts, volunteered with amazing people, ate yummy food, and laughed and cried through it all.
What a full year, filled with God's blessings! Thank you so much for spending this year with me. I truly appreciate every view, comment, pin, click, and share.
May your new year be filled with good things and lots of creativity!
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