When my sister and I travel, we are very much about the food. This is especially true when it comes to food and treats at Disney parks. Some of the snacks you can get at Disney are so iconic that you see them and know exactly what they are all about. And I felt that I needed to honor them with an embroidery pattern.
As I was planning this pattern, I learned that Disney also had snacks and treats on their minds, and that this year they are releasing two product lines that feature many of the foods that fans like myself hold near and dear. Did they read my mind? Maybe. But their announcement did confirm that I was on the right (monorail) track.
For my pattern, I selected what I thought were the top contenders, but honestly I could add more. Maybe even a whole second pattern. So if your favorite isn't included here, tell me in the comments!
This design includes Mickey balloons (which I know you can't eat, but they are a treat to get!), Dole Whip, a Mickey ice cream bar, popcorn (in a basic box...no fancy bucket here!), a Mickey waffle, a Mickey caramel apple, a churro, and a Mickey pretzel.
Some of these are a little different from the actual food, and that's because I wanted to put my own Wild Olive spin on them. If I'm going to add a kawaii face, it's really weird when the thing already has a face...even Mickey's face.
I put all the foods together in one design with some Disney dust sprinkled around. That makes this perfect to stitch and frame in a hoop or add to a hanging pattern as I'm doing.
BUT you could also use the patterns on their own. For example, you could stitch the Dole Whip on a t-shirt pocket or add some churros to your favorite park bag. And yes, these are a little small for some things, but you can definitely enlarge them.
Because they are small, I recommend using three strands of embroidery floss for all the stitching EXCEPT for the tiny dots of salt and sugar on the pretzel, churro, and caramel apple. For those, use one or two strands and pull those french knots tight! I'm also using scallop stitch (like I do for the faces) to make the little twinkles in the Disney Dust. I'm LOVING how they are turning out.
You can use any colors you like to represent these foods (some of them change from time to time at the parks, so you can get creative!).
Now, how about this pattern?
I recently started a photo album on Flickr (yes, I still use it!) and you can see my growing collection of travel food photos there if you'd like. Here are a few Disney favorites:

So many yummy things to eat at my favorite place to visit!
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