It's possible that the new Barbie movie subliminally influenced me while I was designing this roller skate cross stitch pattern. But it wasn't intentional! A few weeks ago I shared a similar embroidery pattern that had lyrics from a Disney Parks attraction. I took this one in a different direction, but it's definitely looking PINK and I love it.
I don't roller skate, but I'm pretty sure that I had a Barbie doll with roller skates. Maybe roller blades? Anyway, I do love pink, so while the embroidery pattern version of this skate was left without any color so you could choose what you like, I needed to add a color to this one. And pink was obvious.
What you see above isn't the full pattern, but the PDF below has the stripes off the back more extended, among other things. And here are a few more notes about the pattern:
I typically use two strands on 14-count Aida. For the eyes, that can leave them looking like Xs, which makes them look dead. To prevent this, outline the eyes with black backstitch or stitch the entire face with 3 or 4 strands.
Even though I went for pink on my skate pattern, I do think it would look excellent stitched in white on black or another color aida. You'd just need to change the color of the back stitch lines near the laces. And maybe also use a different color for the wheels?
There was a mishap with the symbols on the chart, so several colors have matching symbols. Black and white are obvious, and not even relevant with the white (which is only backstitch). The purple and teal and closer to each other in value, and may be tricky for folks who are color blind. Please accept my apologies that I ran out of time to go back and get this all changed.
Speaking of patterns and symbols, my cross stitch patterns, both here and in my shop always have the color plus the symbol. I (USUALLY!) try to keep the symbols obviously different from each other, especially when colors are similar.
I'd be curious to see if you prefer cross stitch charts to be shown this way or if you prefer them to be all in black and white with symbols. Which is easier for you to read and follow?
With all that covered, let's get rolling on this pattern!
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