Okay, so right now everyone is encouraged to stay home. And some fine folks have started making free patterns to go along with this. Both to express the sentiment and to give you something to work on during your social distancing, sheltering in place, or full-on quarantine. And a song came to mind.
In one of my favorite episodes ever, Spongebob Squarepants sings a song that I've always related to and that is especially appropriate now. It goes like this:
I know of a place where you never get harmed
A magical place with magical charms
A magical place with magical charms
Since I like staying home AND since I've had to be careful in the sun, it's not unusual for me to sing this. So why wouldn't I make a cross stitch pattern of it?!? To give it a little Spongebob flair, I chose a color palette that feels reminiscent of the show. But you could change it up if you want.
Stay safe friends. Remember that staying home may be less about protecting yourself from COVID-19 and more about protecting those for whom it could be fatal. This is showing love to your neighbors near and far.
i love that episode of spongebob!!!!