It's March 19, I'm posting this month's free Jam of the Month embroidery pattern, and I feel like I'm right on schedule. You may question me on that, but hear me out. I'm pretty sure it was right about this time last year that I was not getting the pattern actually stitched, but I was posting it anyway. And that's where I am today.
In an effort to keep all the rest of my work plates spinning, I had to let a few things drop. Stitching a raspberry jam jar was one of those. With any luck, I'll catch up on my own stitching soon. But lest I hold anyone else back, I present to you, this month's pattern!
Embroidery floss colors are in the PDF, and from there you can use your own creativity to stitch this gal. I'd also love to see your photos and even add a few into this post! Tag me on Instagram (@molliejohanson) or send me an email! (molliejohanson at gmail)
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