It's that time of year when the world falls in love...with stitching fruitcake! And that means you're going to need this month's free Festive Fruitcake pattern. And since December is moving quickly, I thought it might be helpful to get both the embroidery and cross stitch versions ready at the same time. So that's what we have!
It's hard for me to also think that these are the last Kawaii Crossing house patterns for the year. Amazing! Next year's patterns will be a little different, but still connected my little made up town. At some point I should probably just change the name of this blog to Kawaii Crossing.
But back to the patterns...
As always, there are two sizes of patterns in the PDF. Also, the frosting on the fruitcake (which I realize isn't really traditional fruitcake, but frosting is always a good idea) is technically white. If you're stitching yours on dark fabric, you may want to use white embroidery thread. But otherwise, I put in a light blue that shows up nice for white fabric. Also, there are thicker lines under the windows, and for that I'd suggest thicker stitching. Either use more strands or stitch the lines in something like chain stitch.
This year I've also been creating an applique-ready version which I share that over on Ko-fi. This design in particular would be so cute stitched up as a felt ornament, but you could do that with any of these. And when you support me on Ko-Fi, you get a month of access to all the patterns. PLUS, I have another bonus pattern coming out very soon. Can't wait to show that off!

Now, how about a cross stitch chart?
I think it's very clear that I have fully embraced cross stitch, both to design patterns and stitch them. Once I learned a faster way to stitch, I was hooked.
The one thing that still frustrates me when I'm designing, however, is round things and unusual angles. In this case, round was particularly difficult for those little bits of fruit. Rather than making them tiny or unusually shaped (the originals were circles as you see in the embroidery version), I went for squares. Do I love this option? Not really. But it's close enough.
And just as a reminder, I love seeing what you're stitching! Tag me if you share on Instagram (I'm @molliejohanson) or send me an email!
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