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how to use every scrap of sulky sticky fabri-solvy

Sulky Saving

If you follow me on Instagram, you frequently see me stitching projects with Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy. It's my favorite method for pattern transfer onto nearly any material and I use it a TON. Although I do sometimes just trace with a pencil for small, easy designs, I love that you can print the patterns directly onto the Fabri-Solvy. Especially for more detailed patterns.

But when you print a pattern onto a sheet, there's almost always extra Fabri-Solvy that you don't use. I shared one way that I save on these sheets, but I have another way that I make sure as many scraps get used as possible. Someone else shared this idea with me, so I can't take credit, but I'm very happy to share it with you!

All around the edge of the photo above, you see my many scrap pieces. Every time I print a larger pattern, that requires that I start with a full sheet, I trim these piece off and save them.

When I have a smaller pattern to print, I start by printing the pattern(s) on regular paper. Next, I trim piece(s) of Fabri-Solvy to fit the pattern(s), with some extra room.

Then I tape the piece(s) over the printed pattern(s), making sure that the tape doesn't go over where the pattern is. This is why it's important to have some extra room around the edges.

Finally, the page goes through the printer once again, with the paper feeding through in the same direction as the first time so the patterns line up with the Fabri-Solvy. And I always print in draft mode so there's less ink.

And all those bit of Fabri-Solvy get used instead of trashed!

Note: I'm not affiliated with Sulky in any way, I just LOVE their product. However, the link to Amazon is an affiliate link. If you choose to order via that link, it helps support this site!


  1. Great idea...thanks!

  2. I am new reader of your blog post and you got my attention. Going to share this post with others as well, keep posting such articels more often


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