Last week, I shared a book from my Japanese craft book collection that was called "Felt Mascots", this week I have "Cute Felt Mascots". Hmm...I'm pretty sure that the things in that last book were cute too...
Truth is, today's book might just be cuter.
The ISBN for this one is 9784837423687. There's a listing for it on or find it on Amazon Japan, where they list the title as We Felt Pretty Small. They even have a revised version, which looks like it has projects that my book doesn't have!
There are mini felt houses with story book cute!
Little felt elephants...very cute!
Sweet felt frames, bags and oven mitts...really cute!
And then there's the Christmas goodies! Merry cute!
There's lots more to love in this book, like some felt-covered magnets, placemats, tags and more. But I try not to show too many pages...after all, even if these books are hard to find, I want to respect the authors. (You understand, I trust.)
I've got two more books to two more weeks of japanese craft books...then maybe I turn to making things from the books!
Have you reviewed any craft books on your blog? Share a link with us!
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