Are you ready for more Jam of the Month Club stitching? Becuase it's time for the Cherry Preserves embroidery pattern!
This little jar has the same cherries that were on the jar cover that I shared, and you may notice that the ruffled top looks a little familiar too. Do I have a pattern of a project or a project of a pattern? It's probably both.
As a reminder, all these jam jars are designed to fit on 2-inch hexagons to make a mini quilt. But you can use them on their own too! Also, I'm just gonna be up front and say that the scale of these jars to each other might be a little strange along the way. Hopefully nothing too terrible!
If you're a cross stitcher, I shared the first two matching charts the other day, but I have an update for you. I mentioned that they would look great stitched as one large design with stitched shelves. More than one person said they wanted to do this, so I'm going to make that shelf chart so you can work on that and add in the little jars one by one.
Sorry to delay the start of stitching for that! But it will come soon, and I think we'll all be happier.
Finally, I LOVE sharing my patterns and projects for free here on my blog. Like seriously love sharing them (you may notice I have more freebies that just regular blog post like things). That said, if you ever want to say thank you in a tangible way (although your likes and shares do that too!), I drink a lot of coffee, and you can help support that habit below. (And MANY THANKS to all who have already done so!!!)
Thank you ♥♥♥