It's National Quilting Month, and today I'm sharing some free tiny quilt block cross stitch patterns! These are pretty small (most are less than one inch!), so you can stitch them pretty quick. And they are designed more as two groupings: one with the sawtooth star, pinwheel, 8-point star, and antique tile blocks, and the other with the larger grouping of flying geese.
I've made actual quilts, felt quilt blocks, embroidered quilts, embroidery patterns OF quilts, but it was about time that I bring my love of quilts to cross stitch.
Of course, on the 12x12 blocks I added some of my signature smiling faces, but those are done only with back stitch and french knots. You can add them if you like or leave them off if you prefer.

Because of the count on these and to make them work out the patterns on a small scale, the individual blocks don't fit easily with the flying geese. There might be a way to make the rows of flying geese into a border for a grouping of the other blocks, but I haven't done that math!
But just like with regular quilting (and cross stitch!), you can move things around, repeat elements, and more. For example, you could choose just one of the small blocks and stitch multiples of them, just changing the color arrangements. This is also a great way to get more comfortable swapping in colors on a cross stitch pattern!
I do think these would be especially cute stitched up as little cross stitched pins (clearly I have a love for small quilty pins!), but they would also just be fun to make teeny tiny designs for your mini gallery wall, or you could line them up and make a bookmark, or...I'm sure you'll find sweet ways to use them. I mean you might even combine them with other patterns all together!
Ready to cross stitch some tiny quilt blocks! I know that I am!
Too cute!