This scrappy hoop art project might be controversial, but I also think it's cute. The inspiration for this comes from the famous (or infamous!) Disney attraction "it's a small world." If you absolutely can't stand that song, please don't click away immediately! haha! Give me a moment to tell you about what I love about this.
I have, sadly, never ridden the Disneyland version of this attraction (though I visited the outside!), but I've enjoyed the Magic Kingdom version many, many times. One of the first things you see as your boat launches is a scene with some little clocks and a few mini mountains and these goats. They are in bold, primary colors, and their bodies are covered in calico floral print.
From the moment I noticed that little calico detail, I was smitten.

For years I've thought about how to make something that honors those goats, and now's my time! But here's the thing. Even if you aren't a fan of hundreds of dolls singing a song about all the things we share in common (over and over again), I hope you still find this to be a cute little goat.
One of the other things that I think makes this perfect is that there's this goat stereotype about them eating trash. That's not exactly true, but in this case, our little goat friend will eat up a few of your fabric scraps, which is close enough. Right?
Now, let's make a calico goat!

Background fabric
Fabric scraps (I recommend a solid for the face!)
6-inch embroidery hoop
Embroidery floss
Wonder Under fusible web
Iron and ironing mat

Trace the pattern pieces onto the paper side of the Wonder Under. The templates are flipped/mirrored because you'll iron this to the wrong side of the fabric. They're also grouped by suggested color to make it easy to cut them apart, but you can use whatever mix of colors and scrap fabrics you like!
Also, the face is shown on the template, but you don't need to trace it on the Wonder Under.

Iron the fabric scraps and then iron the fusible web to the wrong side. Be sure that the Wonder Under doesn't extend past the edge of the fabric or you'll get your ironing mat all sticky!

Cut out all of the fabric pieces.

Now we're at the hardest part of the entire project. Peeling off the paper backing.
On these tiny pieces, separating the paper from the back of the fabric and the fusible web is just a little tricky. Rubbing the edge with your fingernail helps, and I also found that a tweezer works too! Just try to do this without fraying the fabric.
As you prepare the pieces, arrange them on the backing fabric, using your embroidery hoop to help with placement. The bottom of the mountain will extend into the hoop and be hidden.

Working in layers and sections, begin pressing the fabric pieces down with your iron. Most of the pieces fit together like a little puzzle and you can use the photos or the color image on the pattern PDF as a reference. Some pieces layer on top of others.

All that's left is a bit of embroidery!
Place the backing fabric in your embroidery hoop. For the face, I used three strands of black embroidery floss. I freehanded mine, but you can trace the pattern with a vanishing ink pen or use the tracing paper method. The eyes are french knots, the nose is satin stitch, the straight line is back stitch and the smile is scallop stitch.

To fill in the background a little, I added some lazy daisies. Again, I just freehanded these, using the color image in the pattern as a general guide. I stitched fewer flowers than I planned, but it was just what worked for me. You can add a lot more, even fewer, or none at all!
I would also consider adding an outline around the different elements, but I haven't decided if I want that yet. If I did, it would probably be with three strands of back stitch using colors that match the fabrics. Or maybe black or dark gray? It's staying like this for now.

To finish it off, trim the backing fabric so there's a little under an inch all around the hoop. Use thread and running stitch around the extra fabric to gather it to the back. Secure the end and your hoop is ready to display!

And just like that you have a happy little goat to adorn your wall! My dad saw this and immediately thought of the Lonely Goat Herder song from the Sound of Music, and that also works! But I think there's so much that we share that it's time we're aware, it's a small world after all. Don't you agree?
By the way, as you can see, I went for pastel-ish brights for my goat, but you could make yours in the more primary colors from the Disney attraction. Or any of your favorite fabrics. I'd recommend small prints for this.

And while we're on the subject of "it's a small world"...

I recently released embroidery and felt applique patterns for making some little chalet clocks with animal friends! You know those clocks I mentioned are near the goats at the beginning of the happiest cruise to ever sail? They inspired these. I call them Clockwork Critters and you can find them in my Etsy shop! The embroidery pattern is here and the felt ornament version is here.
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