Designing a new wallpaper each month, especially these Kawaii Crossing ones, is always fun. But sometimes I put pressure on myself and November is regularly that month. You see, this is my birthday month, so it feels like I should have the absolute perfect design for November. The perfect design for me.
The pressure was real this time and deciding what to add to my little town was too much. I kept trying to think of the childhood inspirations that would be ideal for who I was as a kid and who I am as an adult. And what did I end up with?
A tree.
That feels so no exciting, but it's a beautiful color like the trees in my part of the world are right now. And while this doesn't connect with one specific childhood moment, character, or toy, there were many tree memories that formed as I grew up. Is that silly? Even if it is, I'm going with it.
I'll try to share more of those memories through the month, but we'll start with some wallpapers for all your screen sizes.
So sweet! Thank you for the darling calendars! And I pray you have a wonderful birthday! God bless you! Alisha