Mark your page with these printable stationery items that are also magnetic bookmarks! Instead of tucking in the pages of your book, these fold over the edge and hold together with thin magnetic tape.
This is not my first time making bookmarks like these, and in fact, most of these are updated versions from my first two sets of these, but now in more pastel colors. (Check out the original set one and set two) I also made a kitty version, which I also love! But updating these was a fun way to make something to go along the new embroidery pattern I just released!

This is also an update, in a way, because I had this old pattern that I called the Office Workers and it was in need of some attention. So I took inspiration from that, but really made this something new. It's stationery tools and supplies, but super cute and also with the idea of stitching them as patches. So along with the patterns, the nearly all-new Desk Mates set comes with a tutorial for making hand-embroidered patches.
But let's get back to making these bookmarks!

You will need:
Paper or cardstock
Thin magnetic tape (This is almost paper-thin...not the typical craft stuff)

Print the bookmarks and cut them out.

Fold the bookmarks in half...sort of. For the pencils and washi tape strip, you should actually fold them so that the points extend past the flat part from the other side.

Cut two squares of magnetic tape. The tape dispenser has a place to tear off the tape, but I prefer to cut it with scissors so the edges are perfectly smooth.
Place the two pieces together, with the non-sticky sides touching. They will naturally find where they need to stick together, and they won't be aligned. This has to do with magnet polarity science! It's also important so your bookmark sticks together correctly.

Place the magnets on one half of the folded bookmark. The two pieces should still be a little askew.

Press the other half of the bookmark down so that it sticks to the sticky side of the top magnet.

When you open the bookmark the magnet pieces should be stuck in place and ready to use.

Fold the bookmark over a page in your book so it can mark where you left off!

Follow the same steps to finish the rest of the bookmarks, and you'll never lose your spot. You could also use these as reusable tabs for marking favorite recipes or projects you want to make in a craft book!
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