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w is for washi tape

Embroidering Washi Tape

As much as it's a trend, I can't help but think that washi tape is here to stay. It's pretty, it's practical, it's, as Martha says, a Good Thing. And so, W is for Washi Tape.

My personal collection is comprised only of the Target variety, but there are so many amazing choices out there! And since I didn't have a whole bunch of lovely tape patterns to show off, I thought it would be fun to stitch my own patterns of washi!

If you'd like to stitch some tape strips with me, here's what you do:

Embroidering Washi Tape

Use a ruler to mark off two parallel lines. The ends don't need to match up.

Embroidering Washi Tape

Draw in a "tear" line to connect the lines.

Embroidering Washi Tape

If you want, add additional layers of tape. My first shot at the left side of the new piece wasn't quite right, but the lines will rinse away.

Embroidering Washi Tape

Stitch around the edge of the tape, then here comes the fun part! Fill in the tape with whatever pattern you want! I started with little Xs.

Embroidering Washi Tape

And for my second piece of tape, I did stripes! These long stitches will work if this goes on the wall, but for items that might get snagged, the stitches should get tacked down.

The options are endless here on fills for your tape. Try french knots, lines, tiny flower stitches, fly stitches, zig zags, triangles, star bursts, arrows, and on and on. If you get stuck, do a search on Etsy for washi tape. You'll see all kinds of designs to inspire you!

What to do with embroidered washi tape? If you love this tape, just stitching it up for a wall hanging will display your love (or perhaps as some washi Christma ornaments?)! But it would also work nicely for creating little borders around your embroidery, or as a fun sampler of stitches!


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What a truely awesome idea!!! Did you see the washi tape that has gold and silver on it? :)

  2. Ha! Genius! :D ach!

  3. I love washi tapes! This is a great idea for my next project.


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