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we're praying

Sundays on Wild Olive are a point of prayer. Please pause, leave a prayer request, and pray with us.

I have a huge prayer request for you all this week. Monday we start Family Bible Adventure at our church. It's like Vacation Bible School...for all ages! (I'll be spending Father's Day setting up with my dad!) Please pray that this week goes well: preparations come together, safe fun is enjoyed by all, and most important, that God is lifted up and that He works in the lives of all who are part of this event!

In the midst of this week, I'm praying for you too. Hugs!


  1. Yes, praying for God to move in Babylon! Can't wait to hear - we are doing the same program
    later this summer.

  2. Will be praying for you and for all those who will be apart of the Family Bible Adventure. Sounds like an amazing week! I would love prayer for my husbands health, and just guidance in our next steps of healing. Have a blessed day with your father! xo Heather

  3. Praying everything will go smoothly for you.

    Please pray for a dear friend who lost her 7-month old niece in a horrible car accident this week. The baby's mother also lost her father in that same accident (he was driving the car). The family will have a double funeral early this week.

  4. As I read the comments below I am taking a deep breath and surrounding myself with the peace to pray for all of you!

  5. Lifting you all up in prayer.


  6. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Praying for all. Peace be with you. lin

  7. Praying for you all! Blessings especially for Tara and her family.

  8. I have an unspoken request please.
    Our church just had VBS this past week.
    You know it is summer when all the Bible school things start.


I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!