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sponsor giveaway: maggie's ebook

Hey there Wild Olive readers! I'm Maggie. I'm a portrait photographer in Los Angeles, wife to a bearded tech nerd, and mom to an extremely energetic three-year-old, Eleanor. I blog at Making Me Cranky.

I recognize that most of my readers are just there for the adorable photos of Eleanor. As a mom, my job is to capture images of life as it happens. As a photographer, my job is to do that in a way that is beautiful and interesting. But we can't all have a professional following our family around capturing beautiful images. Well, we could, but it would be awfully expensive! That's why I wrote "How to Shoot Your Kids! an ebook." I want every parent to be able to do what I do! I want us all to have great photos of our kids!

How to Shoot Your Kids is a quick and easy guide to taking better photos of your kids no matter what camera you have! Forget the technical, because it's all about the technique! Inside the book you'll learn everything you need to know to channel your love for your kids into great images!

And I'm giving away one copy to a lucky Wild Olive reader! To enter, stop by my photography site, and check out the Table of Contents for the book, then come back here and leave a comment with your name, a way that we can contact you, and what chapter of the book you look forward to reading the most.

And if you just can't wait to win a copy, or in case you're not the lucky winner, you can get your copy HERE for just $5 when you use the discount code: WILDOLIVE.

Thank you soooo much, Maggie! Friends, let me tell you. I've reviewed this book, and it is fantastic! Maggie has done an excellent job of sharing the really important things about taking photos of kids, and I was instantly inspired and thinking about her ideas when shooting my brothers and sisters. (And yes, I love the clever title!)

The giveaway will remain open through Saturday, April 30th, when we'll announce a random winner.


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I think the capturing the moment chapter most intrigues me. I have a good camera, I just need to learn to use it better :-)

  2. Looking forward to the Lighting and where to find it!

    nancebagance at yahoo dot ca

  3. Creating the Moment is a chapter that I could learn a lot from. Posing is something I really struggle with!

    stateofnicole (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Tricks of the Trade, getting kids to cooperate! I usually take about a million shots and end up with one where he doesn't look too goofy :)
    ejenkins728 (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. The "Mood" chapter would be extremely helpful, I think, as well as "Composition." Although I haven't got any of my own kids yet, I love my little cousins (ages 5 and 7) and nieces and nephews (age range from really newborn to 8) and I would absolutely LOVE to learn how to take gorgeous pictures of them! Even if I don't win the giveaway I'm gonna get this ebook. At $5 it's a steal!

    <3 Lora; feltslc@plu.edu

  6. Julie S.10:01 PM

    I would look forward to reading about "show your love".


  7. I would love to read more about lighting!


  8. I am intrigued by "Composition".

    lixapopescu at gmail dot com

  9. I'm thinking Creating the Moment and Tricks of the Trade would help me a lot!

  10. I am looking forward to the whole ebook! :) But, the chapter on lighting is sure to be helpful!

    eek...I hope I win!!!


  11. Anonymous7:15 AM

    First, I adore the cover for this! Second, the "Lighting" chapter would probably help me the most!

    hannah at lucymae dot com

  12. Maggie, this is exciting! I do love all your photos you take of your children!

    I look forward to the whole book with many tips for me to get started on taking photos of my nephews, and someday future children on my own!
    But if I had to choose one, I would say the lighting content would be most helpful as I always seem to have a hard time finding light and at what angles and knowing how to use it to my advantage when taking photos.

    You can contact me @ facebook.com/LBCurrie

    Thanks!! :D

  13. Now that my little one is mobile, Tricks of the Trade is very appealing!

  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    This sounds great! I'm going to get an SLR camera this year and I'm looking forward to learning about the unknown world of photography. jpnlpinlove@gmail.com

  15. I have a very old point and shoot camera that I have had for almost... dare I say it... ten years! I have been admiring others beautiful pictures that were taken with much newer, not to mention fancier cameras. But I think that reading Maggies eBook (especially the chapter on composition) would help me take just as beautiful pictures with my (old) camera. :)

    agbelcher @ gmail.com

  16. Heather11:06 AM

    I'm most interested in reading the lighting chapter, because getting the right lighting is one of the problems I have in taking pictures of busy little people.


  17. I'm most interested in reading the chapter on lighting. This ebook looks fantastic!

  18. Capturing the Moment seems to catch my eye from the book.


  19. definitely lighting, with tricks of the trade a close second. (you have a lovely blog too!)

  20. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I'd love the learn more from the chapter on lighting. Thanks for the chance to win your cool book!

  21. The Mood chapter is what I am most interested in. Looks like a great book!

  22. Wow! This has been on my mind lately... the section on Lighting intrigues me most, but I could probably use the help in all of it! Thanks for the chance to win it! auberella (at) yahoo (d0t) com

  23. shobelle1:30 AM

    I think the "capturing the moment" chapter will be very helpful for me!

    I have two nephews who are sports players and my lovely niece who dances. I think this would also make a great gift for my mother-in-law to help her with grandson photos!

    Thanks for the opportunity!!


    shonijunk (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Exciting! I hope to win! I have trouble with lighting and we can not always be out doors.

    mukweto @ gmail dot com

  25. Anonymous1:19 PM

    My curiousity is peaked by "Share your love"!


  26. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hello! :D
    My name is Channing & this is my e-mail: channingm2010@gmail.com

    I look forward to reading everything!
    But am especially interested in Tricks of the Trade. I babysit for my brother & his wife and they have 2 (and another on the way!) crazy kids who rarely sit still.
    I'm praying this may get me more beautiful shots of them!
