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the virtue of humility

In the Bible, in the book of Esther, we read about Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who save the Israelites from destruction. And yet, even though they were both honored, they were humble. Contrast this with Haman, the unbelievably proud villain of the story, and you get a picture of humility from both sides.

The celebration of the Jews being saved is called Purim, and it is still celebrated every year. In fact, it happens to be this weekend!

If you would like to stitch up crown for Esther and a little hamantashen (that's a Haman's hat cookie! yum!), then I humbly submit this pattern for your embroidery endeavors. (Click the image for your choice of sizes on Flickr.)


  1. You are awesome! I love these Virtues.

  2. I love it! The hamantashen is so cute! We are gearing up for Purim in our house. I can't download the pattern. What do I need to do?

  3. Jen, try this link to go directly to the image: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5291/5537396674_30ed9e925b_o.jpg


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