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vintage craft: knitting tools

Today I have some new (old?) vintage goodies to share with you. This box came home from my grandma's house sometime last fall. I remember looking at it then, but I put it in my cabinet and forgot what was inside.
Vintage Knitting Tools
So I pulled it out to see what was inside.
Vintage Knitting Tools
Wow! Lots of stuff...all good for knitting fun!
Vintage Knitting Tools
Plenty of aluminum needles. Bamboo is my favorite, but I also enjoy using this kind.
Vintage Knitting Tools
I've never actually knit with these plastic needles, but I do love what some people have done with them. Perhaps I'll get up the nerve to try melting one? Although, I'm not sure that these are the same type of plastic.
Vintage Knitting Tools
A few circular needles.
Vintage Knitting Tools
Odds and ends...more than I think I would ever need, given my very modest knitting abilities.
Mystery Items
And then, what are these? Why is there a screw in the scissors? And what is this little aluminum thing with the point? If you are familiar with either of these items, I'd love to hear more.

Clearly, many of these items are new (yay for vintage packaging!), but for the rest of them, I love that they were used by my grandma. History always beats out new with this sort of thing, don't you think?


And a quick announcement! The winner of the Ooh Leela giveaway is a2+w (Spazzy McGillicutty?)! Email me so that we can get you your $10 shop credit!


  1. What a wonderful assortment! I am sure you will have hours of fun with them. The scissors are buttonhole scissors here is a video that explains them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GALBKKg0UPY

  2. Thank you so much, Dawn. I probably should have known that...but now I need to see if these would prove helpful when I cut buttonholes in felt. I bet they will!

  3. I have several boxes from my Gram's that look similar. She had a successful drapery business back in the 60's. She was awesome!

  4. Ohmigoodness, this post made my day! I love knitting porn.

  5. i just love the old knitting stuff.

  6. You can't beat history:)

  7. Those are awesome! I wish I my Grandma had been a knitter. Oh well, I'll just save my stuff to pass down. Just knowing that your Grandma used these items makes them priceless indeed.

  8. the aluminum thing looks like an awl. It is used for making holes in things.

  9. I don't know if you are still seeing these comments but is the screw in the scissors to hold the pair closed to slip it into a knitting bag? Close the handles and they screw the screw into an opening on the opposing handle?

  10. Ooh...that would make sense! I'll have to find these again to check!


I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!