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beeeeean bags...

YIP2010 - 255

My dad called me yesterday from the AWANA fun fair set-up to ask if we had any bee bean bags. Specific, right? Since we didn't have any, I offered to make some. I could see them in my head, but it involved [dum, dum, dum....] the sewing machine.

One of my goals for this year has been to get over my sewing machine issues. Last Christmas-gift-making season, I broke about 5 needles. This year, I haven't broken any. Because until last night, I didn't touch the sewing machine!

But as you see, I survived, as did the needle! Granted, I did have my mom thread everything, because thread tension is the most probably source of my problems. But still...I'm a happy girl.

And I think that the bees themselves are quite cute! I cut them all freehand, so they are each a bit different, but it works. My brothers and sister have suggested that they need eyes, but I say no. They look more like a simple graphic this way, and I love that look!


  1. I'm glad to see your giving the machine another chance! And the bees are ridiculously cute!

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I totally love them, hooray for using the machine!

  3. Needles can break?! No wonder I haven't used my sewing machine. (it was a gift two years ago)I'm pretty terrified of it! I learned how to sew using a machine that didn't have a foot pedal I just had to turn the wheel on the back...old school.

    I hope you have continued success with your sewing endeavors!

  4. Success!! Like em - too cute!

  5. Very cute bean bags! And, congrats, on making it through without breaking a needle.

  6. The bees are cute! I am nervous with my sewing machine. Only broken one needle, but then I haven't used it a ton either.

  7. Oh yeah! That's brilliant!

  8. those are so cute. I love the eye-less-ness.

  9. I love these bean bags! So stinking cute! My kids don't have such fun bean bags at their AWANAs. :)

    I do happen to LOVE sewing, my machine not so much. It has thread tension issues as well, but I've discovered I just need to ignore the recommended levels and use what works. Which probably means there is something internally wrong with mine. :)

  10. Those are the coolest bean bags ever! Sooo cute!

  11. oh so cute! You've got me thinking what else could be made into bean bags...

  12. Do you sell these? I would love a bunch of them for my daughter's birthday party!

    1. I'm so sorry, but I don't sell any finished items. But they really were easy to just improvise!


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