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the dig...

My packing and digging through my room continues today, but with it came a few finds. This is one of the benefits of going through everything, instead of just dumping. Coffee scented candles. (Didn't know I had 'em!) An unused gift card. (Thought I'd spent it ages ago!) A sketch book with drawings I thought were gone. (Some of the drawings may need to find their way onto some crafty goodness!)

As I found things and decided to lose things, I was reminded of a website that I hadn't visited in years called My Urban Dig. This could be my life. Maybe I should document all my stuff, then dump it!


  1. Hey Mollie,
    Apparently, we both love being wild olive shoots. Your blog is lovely. I'm glad I stumbled acoss it.


  2. Thanks Joshua. I do love being grafted into God's family!


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