Get ready to unlock a memory with this new felt pattern! We're stitching Mickey Mouse balloons!
This year I've been sharing patterns for making felt ornaments that have Disney snacks and treats, and while this one isn't a snack, it could be a treat, right? Not all treats are edible!
Truth be told, I'm not a huge fan of balloons in general, but there's something special about Mickey balloons. Well, I think probably any balloon at a Disney park because they just seem iconic for the happiest and most magical places on earth.

On a recent trip to Disneyland, my sister was especially enamored with the balloons and kept pausing to take photos and videos. So I also snapped a photo with my felt version!
If you notice, the Mickey balloons they have now are not traditional latex balloons. Instead, they are plastic/mylar, with the Mickey shaped part inside an outer clear balloon. AND THEY LIGHT UP!!! Even more magical!
I feel like I should get one of these for myself at some point. But do I really want to carry it around all day? Do I want to try and bring it home with me? Maybe I should stick to felt.

So now, let me tell you how to make this. For these designs, I don't have a full tutorial, but rather, a little overview of the process. They basically go together like my other felt ornaments.
First, this is wool blend felt from Benzie Design (affiliate link). I cut the circles with my Circles and Scallops die, also from them, but you can use the circle templates in the PDF with plain or decorative scissors if you'd like. Or add the balloon to another project entirely!
I cut the pieces with freezer paper, and I embroidered the face through the paper before carefully tearing it away.
The pieces are layered and stitched down to the front circle with a tiny whip stitch and two strands of embroidery floss. The knot of the balloon is tiny, but you can get it stitched there!
Next, I embroidered the string. For this, I used tracing paper for the pattern and stitched through it, then tore it away.
To assemble the ornament I used running stitch around the edges, then I filled in with a second round of running stitch so it looks the same on the front and back.
More snacks and cute Disney patterns to come! I'm working on them even now!
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