August is here! And so are the latest free wallpapers for your desktop, tablet, and phone. This time with a fancy cabbage house. But first, I really try not to say things like "where has the time gone" each and every month. But seriously? I'm in shock that it's August already. In my mind it feels like June still.
Okay, so back to the new Kawaii Crossing house. In August, I especially think about my grandpa whom we called Papa. August was his birthday month, but he was also a big gardener, so there were plenty of plants and produce in full bloom or harvest around this time. One of my favorite photos of him is Papa on his front stoop with a whole bunch of ornamental cabbages around him. They were huge and he looked so proud.
Thus, a fancy cabbage house in honor of Papa.
Now, grab a free wallpaper and I'll be back soon with patterns to well as some stitching fun!
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