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the lost project

Packing Projects

This isn't a blog post promoting re-sealable plastic bags from Aldi. No, this is a look at all of the projects that I made for the book I'm working on.

What? You can't make them out through the bag? Sorry about that. You'll still need a wait a while to see them clearly.

But what you are seeing is the bag that contains the project that I thought was lost. It was the first project I made, and the last one I found. There was a moment of heart-racing, as I wondered how much of the house I would need to tear apart before giving up and making it again. Thankfully, it was found.

I'm now writing like a crazy person to finish some things up by the end of the month. I'll be back soon with a project that I'm working on during the times that I just can't look at my screen any more!


  1. It was ment to be that way! I love mystery, I will be watching! xDebi

  2. Yeah for finding it! :) Congrats on writing a book! :)

    -Emily Hone

  3. I love projects that are a mystery. Congrats on your book, looking forward to it. :)

  4. Looking forward to your book! :)

  5. Haha! So glad for you that it turned up!! Isn't always the way?! Good luck with the book, looking forward to seeing your fab designs in print form!

  6. I cannot wait to purchase your book! How exciting!

  7. oooh mysterious!


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