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some quiet time

It's not you. It's me. You're not making too much noise. I am.*

For the next week, the blog is going to be quiet. Why? Because there's work to be done, and less posting here means more working behind the scenes. (Trust me...it's gonna be sooooo worth it!) See you soon!

*As proof of my "talking" too much, I submit the following proof: this is my 2000th post!


  1. Congratulations on your milestone - wow! Enjoy your quiet time....see you soon. Peace....

  2. Oh my gosh 2000!! Congratulations! What a great milestone to make :)

  3. Congratulations! I always start my day with you - what am I going to do this week? Enjoy your time off.

  4. 2000th!? Oh my goodness-- I've only posted 300 times! (If that).
    Congrats on the milestone! :)

    Excited to see your next big thing! :)


  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    2000, holy cow, I just published post #57. I can't imagine being where you are today. I applaud you in total awe and silence :)

  6. cannot wait to see what evolves with the QUIET

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Week is almost up.....gone crazy with out new post


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