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tinyme london games printables


There was a brief time when I thought about going to London during the Olympics. Which is kind of funny, given that I don't really pay much attention to them. But it was a very brief moment, which passed when I suddenly went..."Mollie! You're crazy! Don't go anywhere near that place during the Olympics! You were glad when Chicago didn't get picked!"

Thankfully, Tinyme has made it possible to enjoy the fun of the games with some free printables. No crowds or security. Just paper, ink and fun for your family!

Go give them a visit and download opening ceremony bingo, a tally sheet, medals, and these cards and a board game, my personal favorites!


The delightful style of all of Tinyme's printables really appeals to me. I mean, come on...a cupcake doing hurdles? I love it!


  1. this is so great ! thanks for sharing it with us !

  2. I Love these so much! But can't find them on tinyme's site!

    1. Here's the link that takes you directly to these prinatables: http://www.tinyme.com/tinyme-games

    2. Thanks so much!


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