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we're praying

We are currently in the season we call Lent. It's a time of preparing our hearts for Easter, and it's a good time to make a change in your life. As Ann Voskamp put it, "Lent isn’t about forfeiting as much as it’s about formation." This Lent season (and hopefully the days, weeks and months following), I want to spend more time in prayer, and I'd like to invite you to be a part of it. Sundays on Wild Olive will (at least until Easter) be prayer posts. Please feel free to leave a comment with any prayer requests you have.

Last Sunday, as comments popped up in my email, I realized that this has become something special. Something I didn't anticipate when starting up Sunday prayer posts. This has become a little community in itself...women coming together to pray with and for each other. I feel connected and blessed.

This week, would you pray with me for my friend Terry? She's been dealing with some health issues, with unpleasant tests and possible surgery in the works.

Now, let's pray.


  1. Mollie, your friend Terry is in my prayers. May I ask for prayers for my Yiayia (Grandmother) who has been experiencing so much pain lately in her neck and arthritis in her hands. She just had an epidural which seems to help but doesn't get them often enough. I pray she listens to her daughters and takes better care of herself!

    ♥ sécia

    1. Secia, praying for your grandmother...aging is so hard! God's healing for her and wisdom for her daughters.

    2. Thank you so much, Donna.

      ♥ sécia

  2. I want to thank you for this wonderful idea!!
    I have just been saying to my DH that I feel that I am slipping in my prayer life. I opened my mail from Craft Gossip and there was the link to your site!
    Thank you for being available to God. ...I am praying.....

  3. Mollie, your friend is in my prayers this morning. I just love this Sunday post you do.

    Secia and Christine, prayers for courage and wisdom for both of you too.

    I'd ask for prayers for my baby boy who is 10 months. He is having trouble gaining weight and has the doctors and his mama a bit worried. He is a delightful crawling explorer this little guy, though just a bit small, and seemingly falling a little behind in the heavy-weight category. Your thoughts and prayers for his good health would be appreciated. Blessings-Abbie

    1. Abbie, praying that your little guy will stay healthy and grow stronger and stronger!

  4. Great idea! I'd love prayer for my job search. My husband found out his residency placement last week so I've already started searching. Teaching jobs can be hard to come by, so prayer that God would open up the right doors for me would be much appreciated. Thank you and I'm including all of these requests in my prayer time this morning.

    1. Dana, praying that God puts you in a classroom where you, especially you, are needed for some sweet child.

  5. I am praying for Terry, for the posters Grandma, for Abbie's 10 month old and for Dana's job search. I'm really thankful because my prayer life has been slacking lately so this is great. Would you keep our family of four in prayer as we move next Saturday? Nervous to get this place packed and unpacked with two little kids underfoot.

    1. Christine, praying that your move goes smoothly and you love your new home!

  6. Mollie, I'm more than a little touched by your shhhhhh, we're praying post! Reading others' comments has made me drop to my knees in a prayer of thanksgiving...right now my family and friends are at peace. I am on my way to church right now and will remember everyone's intentions who are in need. Thank you, Mollie for offering the opportunity to share prayer together. Kathy

  7. This is really great especially for me today. Most of the time ask for prayers for friends. I have trouble asking for prayers for myself. Today I'll swallow my pride and ask that you all say a little prayer for my family and me.
    After moving across the country for a better paying job a few months ago, our financial situation is worse than ever. I ask that you pray that we keep our minds clear so we can see solutions. I ask that you pray that my husband and I keep calm. I ask that you pray for the courage and right words when I sit down and talk to our 4 girls about the current situation.

    1. Genevieve, praying that God holds you close and gives you the peace and wisdom you need to see and do and say what needs to be done.

  8. I will pray for all the concerns above. Wish I could give you all hugs! :)

  9. I will pray for all the concerns above too.
    Could God bless you all.
    With love

  10. Mollie, praying for your friend and her health concerns and asking for prayers for my husband. He just had an MRI and they found lesions/cysts on his liver. We go on Tuesday to talk to the liver specialist....
    Thank you.

  11. Mollie, praying for your friend and for the other requests here. Our daughter seems to be doing better with her issues. Thanks for praying. Please pray for our son, he has just found out that he is being furloughed from his teaching job for the fourth year in a row. He is married and has 3 little ones. Thank you all for praying.

  12. Mollie, thank you so much for opening this up for us all to pray together. Being in Australia, I get these on a Monday, but it encourages me that God is there 24/7, not just on Sundays! I'm praying for Terrie and for those that have prayer points above.
    My prayer requests are for my friends - please pray for my friend Janelle, that God will comfort her and build her up - her husband has left after 18 months of marriage to be with another woman in the States; for my friend Kat, who is having difficulty conceiving and is feeling the pressure and the stress of it; for my friend Michelle who is pregnant and due at the end of September; and for my friend Natalie, who is having problems with the father of her child. I guess maybe also pray for me, that I can be a good and supportive friend, that God will give me the right words of encouragement and support.
    Thanks ladies, it's encouraging to know you are out there.

  13. And Amen to another round of praying!


I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!