This past Wednesday was the start of the season we call Lent. It's a time of preparing our hearts for Easter, and it's a good time to make a change in your life. As Ann Voskamp put it, "Lent isn’t about forfeiting as much as it’s about formation." This Lent season (and hopefully the days, weeks and months following), I want to spend more time in prayer, and I'd like to invite you to be a part of it.
Sundays on Wild Olive will (at least until Easter) be prayer posts. Please feel free to leave a comment with any prayer requests you have, and if I have any, I'll post them here as well.
And then we'll pray.
I'll be praying for each comment that comes through, and I hope you'll do the same. This is a opportunity for joining together and presenting our requests, our hopes, our praises, even our confessions before God.
Request #1: I've been dealing with a minor eye issue, and tomorrow afternoon it's being corrected. I'm thankful to have it fixed, but nervous about the procedure. Please pray for me to remain calm.
Request #2: Saturday we are having a "Countdown to Easter" gathering at church. Please pray that families will come and be blessed!
This is a wonderful idea. I will be praying for you and your eye issue tomorrow.
ReplyDelete♥ sécia
This is a really beautiful idea, Mollie. You are definitely in my prayer.
ReplyDeleteWe have a very serious health issue going on with my sister that is leading into some larger issues for my whole family. It's already been a pretty rough year for us and this feels like I'm on the brink of a melt down. So prayers would be VERY appreciated!
Thank you so much for the good idea to use blogs/internet to connect people in prayer. I burst into tears, when I saw your last blogpost. I will pray for you and I hope someone will pray for my family. We have had a tough autumn and winter with my husband going down with stress and with some other issues dealing with our sons. I hope for spring to come with solutions and good health but I know that it all has to come from our heavenly father.
ReplyDeleteNormally (and also this year)lent means for us not to use screens. TV, computers, I-pads etc. take our focus from more important things. So perhaps you wonder, why I have seen your blog today ;-) We decided to start lent tomorrow because the last week has been Winter-holiday here in Denmark and our youngest son had to spend time pretty much alone because the rest of the family was gone to work, boardingschool (holiday in week 7),and Tenerife (our eldest son).
So I have to cheat a little to see your prayer requests, but i think that will be okay. I can do at work so my family won't notice ;-)
What a sweet idea this is. Another reason to love blogging and bloggers. I have prayed for each of the above requests and would like to add my brothers to the list. Both of them need peace in their lives..the peace of God. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhat a good idea. Thank you for thinking of this. We will, of course, keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteHere at Chez Serenity we are struggling with some health concerns. My 19yo will be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday for some tests. He has been having a host of health problems since beginning his freshman year at college this past fall. The doctors believe that these things are either caused by, or exacerbated by, stress. This Tuesday they are hoping to eliminate some of the scarier possibilities.
I have a neurological disorder that has been in remission for the last 7 years. Until this past Monday, when I woke up to a severe vertigo attack that has continued, on and off, this whole week. I have already had two surgeries for this condition and am hoping to avoid another. I scared for myself, and worried about this additional burden on my family.
Please, any prayers and/or good thoughts would be appreciated.
What a wonderful idea Mollie!
ReplyDeleteYou are in my prayers. I hope everything goes well with your procedure tomorrow.
My father-in-law has been dealing with some health/psychological issues for quite some time. We have done everything we can to try to help him, but we have come to the realization that he needs to want to help himself before any outside help truly helps him. He is not there yet, but I do know that to God nothing is impossible and I have been praying for Him to touch my father-in-law's heart and show him that there is hope. It is just so sad to see someone you care deeply about go down the wrong path.
Thanks everyone! <3
What a terrific idea! I will certainly pray for you that tomorrow will go well and for others as well.
ReplyDeleteLovely idea. I am praying for you tomorrow and all the other prayer request. God Bless! lin
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful idea. Consider the above situations to be in mine.
ReplyDeleteAs for a request, my boyfriend's father passed last night after fighting cancer. Please pray for us as we go through this difficult time and for us to come together as one strong unit.
Thank you.
Thank you for this opportunity to pray for you and others. Please also pray for my younger brother who just went through surgery to remove 1 1/2 feet of colon due to colon cancer. We are praying that the cancer is contained. Also pray for my dear friend's son who has recently gone through bone marrow transplant because of cancer. He is currently having additional issues and a shadow has appeared in his colon as well. It's been a long and difficult road for him. Our God is an awesome God and answers all our prayers if we seek Him in earnest. Thank you for joining me in calling out to Him with our needs and concerns. May you all be especially blessed!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely idea. Praying for all of you above and those who who will be commenting later (I will check back).
ReplyDeletePlease pray for one of my students. His Grandma is very ill, and has been diagnosed with a very late stage of gallbladder cancer. He is very upset about it. Peace for him is what he has been asking in morning devotions at school.
- Jen
Thanks so much for opening your blog to prayer. You love for Christ is what has been bringing me back to your blog. (plus the fact that you are very talented.) :) I will be praying for you tomorrow.
ReplyDeletePlease pray for my family. There are serious issues that need healing and forgiveness. I believe I am suffering fro a deep depression because of all of this. I basically sit and cry pretty much all the time. I am trying to lean on my blessed Savior but am really struggling to do so. prayer is very much appreciated.
Mollie, I'll think happy thoughts for you on tuesday. As an artist and all around craftie person I can only imagine how nervous you must be. Despite wearing a very strong prescription I'm too afraid to get laser surgery, anything having to do with my eyes is just too scary for me. We're all praying for you.
ReplyDeleteLove this Mollie!
ReplyDeleteI want to pray for my family to stay strong and healthy.
I also want to pray for my new four agreements and I can learn to be a healthier strong person.
You will be on my prayer list tomorrow Mollie!
I have been in the testing/interview process for a new job within the department I work in. Even though I want this new position, starting this process and anticipating a change scares me and makes me nervous. Please pray for me to remember its all according to His plan and that I feel calm in that thought. My current job as a 911 operator is high-stress as is, I don't need to be adding to that with my own doubts and insecurities.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this forum, Mollie. You & all of these others will continue to be lifted up.
Thank you Mollie for this idea.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and the others who have commented all the way from Australia =)
I am having treatment tomorrow which will hopefully result in my husband and I having a baby. Any prayers would be so appreciated as we go through this stressful, scary and trying time.
Thank you for hosting this. What a wonderful idea. I will pray for your procedure and quick recovery as well as for all the others who needed prayer.
ReplyDeleteAmen sister!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really amazing idea, thank you for the prayers for everyone who posted. I am hoping you can pray for my cat, he was recently diagnosed with a tumor in his ear, he is not doing well the last two days. He is now at the vet's since he stopped eating and drinking. He has been a part of our family since 1996 and I have been praying for him a lot lately. So thank you to anyone else who is also praying for him now.