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happy halloween

Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood

I'm not usually one to repeat Halloween costumes, but I made an exception this year. When I was maybe 5 or 6 I was Little Red Riding Hood, and that's who I am again this year. I wish I knew where a photo was from back then, but oh well.

The cape that I'm wearing today was knit for my by my grandma when I was a little girl. It still fits me, just a little differently. Oh, and the hood is too small now. Still, I love that I get to wear a costume that she made.

Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood

Special thanks to my sister for taking the pics, and my neighbors, who didn't know I was taking these photos in their yard. Although their cat found us, and wasn't too pleased.

Also, remember that all day today, you can get a free Sweet Treats item with any purchase in my shop. Just ask for your treat in the message to seller!


  1. i was once little red riding hood. isn't it such an awesome costume? :) love yours!

  2. Great costume! That cape is gorgeous!

  3. that is a simple but AWESOME costume choice!! i don't dress up for halloween but now you have me wishing that i did! and so sweet that your grandma made it!

  4. love your cape. absolutely gorgeous! i wish we lived closer, we could have taken red riding hood costume pictures together ; ) great minds are always thinking alike! xoxo

  5. off to Grandma's house you go!



  6. Soooo cute! I was Little Red Riding Hood last year....well...little "Dead" riding hood :)

  7. Cuuuuuuute! Happy Halloween! :)


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