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When I planned this tea party, I originally thought about doing a blog hop. You know, one person links to the next who links to the next, and so on. The organization needed for that, however, overwhelmed me. Instead, I invited everyone who wanted to be a part of the party...to be a part of the party!

So, I've been receiving links from folks, and here's where I'll be sharing them! This list may update (in fact, I hope it does! keep on sharing the tea party spirit!), so keep an eye out. Some of these are people who are spreading the news about Tea Party Week, and some have created posts to go with the theme. Either way, be sure to visit...

If I missed your post, or if you've just created one, let me know!


  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    I really love this whole tea party thing. with my 365 owl project I have been focusing on well owls and this teap party week gave me the perfect reason to make something else once in a while besides my owls.

    thank you. I will have a tea party blog post once I finish the painting I am working on for this occasion. should be up by friday morning


  2. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Thanks for sharing my wee cupcakes =) I love checking out what other people have come up with. Hooray for tea and cake =) x

  3. hi - wild olive is one of my favourite blogs, its been fun playing along this week. here is my post in honour of the tea party week.


  4. Howdy! This week has been super fun and filled with two of my favorite things, tea and embroidery! I'm joining Mollie's tea party with a little giveaway too, here's a link to my post.


    Pop on over for a spot of tea, xo~Lisa

  5. I'm off to visit right now!



I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!