But today I have the first of a few posts that show how you can make a Caregiver Kit that your kids can play with, and act out giving care to those who need a bit of help. There are a lot of items in a Caregiver Kit, and not all are easy to make out of felt, so I've chosen a few that we'll make, a few real items that can be used, and we'll leave out a couple (so I don't go crazy trying to figure them out!). We're starting with...
Medicine and Anti-Fungal Cream!
To make these, download the pattern. You'll also need some felt, floss/thread, and stuffing.
The medicine is a combination of things in the Kit. It can be Tylenol, Re-hydration Salts, or Water Purification Tablets. Take your pick.
Cut 2 pieces for the front and back of the packet, and 2 "pills". Sew the pills to the front of one piece of felt.
Sew the front and back pieces together, leaving an opening for stuffing. (I used two cotton balls, as I didn't have stuffing on hand...it actually works well because you can feel the two cotton balls, sort of like pills!)
And, stitch it all closed!
Now, the Anti-Fungal Cream is trickier. But it's worth it because when people ask you what you're making, you can mess with their head a little by telling them "Anti-Fungal Cream". They'll think you're kidding.
Okay, so cut out all of the pieces, as instructed in the pattern. I went with a matching cap and decorative strip. Sew the side of the cap into a ring, then sew the top of the cap to this ring.
Do a running stitch around the open end, place a bit of stuffing inside the cap, then gather it closed.
Sew the gathered side of the cap to the middle of the top/sides piece.
Stitch the decorative strip onto one of the front/back pieces.
This is the tricky part. Sew the top/sides piece to the front/back pieces. I used a whip stitch for this, and sort of made my way up and around, then back again.
Leave a spot open for stuffing, then fill it, but don't put too much at the flat end. Sew it closed.
Now you've got the first pieces. More will be coming soon, including the case to hold everything!
Cute, Mollie! You are so creative!