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i've caught a virus...

Actually, my family's computer has. Honestly, I'm so sick of combating viruses. It makes me cranky. And it also throws off a great many things, like right now, uploading photos. Mind you, this is also because the card reader on my Mac has been acting up.

Also, the computer has apparently given me a virus too. Not really...I've just been sneezing like crazy all day. Grrr.

But all of this is okay, because all of you lovely people are so lovely. Thank you so much for your comments about the Thread Heaven! Now I know that I need to compare longer strands, separated strands, and fancy floss. You guys are the best!

(Back tomorrow with some stripes, hopefully freshly photographed and uploaded stripes!)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe try looking into Ubuntu Linux? It's very secure and requires very little attention to anti-virus/spyware/malware stuff. Plus, it has a lot of cool open-source software and it's free. :)

    But hope you and your computer get better soon!


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