A quick break from Story Week (sort of!). I've thought about adding sponsorship to my blog for a few months now, and was never sure about it. But recently, I've had a thought...
What if ad spots were open only to blogs? Not shops, but blogs where people share their everyday lives. Their stories. Yes, sometimes those blogs also relate to shops, and that's okay, because it means that it's part of someone's life. But I'd like to be able to help people spread the word about the things that are important to them...
To that end, I'm offering ad spots at a reasonable, non-shop price...to blogs only. If you would like to consider having your blog sponsor Wild Olive, send an email to molliejohanson {at} gmail {dot} com. I'll send you the stats, ad size, and pricing info.
Thanks for your consideration! (More Story Week goodness will be coming a little later on!)
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