I feel like I should start by saying, "Thank You!"
You see, I have an office/workspace that is full. Very full. I have the tendency to collect things, and think that I will always find a use for things. The truth is, you can only use so much, and a time comes when you just need to part with some of the extra that has accumulated. But it's not easy.
When I realized that others might enjoy some of these extras, it became an inspiration to go through my stash. Now, believe me, I have a loooong way to go. But things have been started, and will continue. Yay!
So, this week, you can enter to win a small bundle of supplies, extra prints, and perhaps some surprises. I'm keeping the packets small so that postage isn't too high, and so that no one is overwhelmed with little items. These are a grab bag, after all, so you never know what fun may come your way.
Each giveaway will last one day. The winner will be chosen with the random number generator, and you can only win one prize this week.
Ready? Enter the first de-stash giveaway with your name and what your favorite supply is. Go!
(There's still a little more time on the print giveaway from yesterday...see below. I'll choose a winner tonight!)
Oooh what a wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm obsessed with my embroidery floss and how i have it in rainbow order!
I probably shouldn't be netering as I need to destash myself but hey....
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessed with ribbons and buttons.
Right now I keep buying felt...even though I have a lot...looking for that perfect feel and durability....
ReplyDeletetoo hard to choose just one supply that i'm obsessed with, it's a tie between fabric, embroidery floss and buttons (okay, I guess if I had to choose it would be in that order, hehe)
ReplyDeletethanks for the giveaway :)
Hello, great idea :) My name is Valentina, I'm writing from Italy, and my favorite supply/obsession are little pieces of fabric left from sewing projects.
I love my yarn stash. It's so pretty to just look at even when I'm not working on something :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite supply is thread, I think. It's useful to have in many shades, but so pretty all lined up together. And it doesn't take up much room, either!
ReplyDeleteI love my embroidery thread stash - just starting to get back into needlework and loving it!!! :)
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm into fabric, and I'm always obsessed with thread!
ReplyDeleteso need to destash myself!
ReplyDeleteMy Yudu!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love, love, love MOO brand erasers. They work really well with graphite for sketches and drawings, and are the best I have found in carving homemade rubber stamps :)
My current obsession is embroidery floss and felt! Great giveaways! x
ReplyDeleteYarn, and lots of it in many different colors!
ReplyDeleteEmbroidery floss, buttons, ribbons, felt, everything! :)
ReplyDeleteWow, I have to pick one favorite? Currently blank doilies for cross stitch I guess is my favorite ;) But I also love floss, yarns, buttons, beads, anything and everything finds a place in some craft or another around here, LMAO!!
ReplyDeleteEmbroidery thread. You can never have too much thread! I'm always running out.
ReplyDeletefabric scraps...I love collecting them, should use them more!
ReplyDeletei'd love embroidery hoops/patterns/thread canvas fabric from you miss mollie. ;)
ReplyDeletei'm really into hand stitching right now. <3
ReplyDeleteButtons and Ribbons. I rarely need the buttons but I lvoe having them. Reminds me of sorting through my moms as a kid.
currently, it's felt. No, make that buttons. Maybe it's threads and yarns for my myriad embroidery projects I have planned and not yet stitched... my, this question is hard!
ReplyDeleteI have to choose just one fave? Maybe it's fabric, from the looks of my overflowing fabric storage area! Thanks for offering these fun giveaways!
ReplyDeleteright now i'm enjoying my crochet hooks. i recently taught myself to crochet, and i love how quickly a project comes together. :)
ReplyDeletethanks for thinking of us! i'm all about buttons at the moment. my first little girl is due any day and i'm always looking for cute little buttons to decorate her clothes with. :D
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessed with felt and cross stitching. I started making felt pieces based on stories for my kids. They enjoy story time more because each of them gets a chance to put something on the felt board. :)
ReplyDeleteit's all about colourful embroidery floss!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Danielle and I am a craftaholic. :-) My favorite supply is paper. paperpaperpaperpaper! Notebook, graph, wrapping, scrapbook, magazine pages, book pages. Eeeeee!
ReplyDeleteI just started to get into sewing and home crafting and just LOVE it. It's the most relaxing way to spend a little time after my girls are in bed and all snuggled in.
hm.. favorite supply.. i have to say gluesticks. i love collaging and am too impatient to use "proper" adhesives!
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Tish and I'm an embroidery floss addict.
ReplyDelete(What a great way to organize AND do a giveaway at the same time!)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
Lately, I've been doing things with scraps of fabric.
abstoner at comcast dot net
I love all of my embroidery supplies but especially floss and my new Ott Light.
ReplyDeleteI love yarn! and fabric. and buttons. and everything crafty!
ReplyDeleteYarn. Fabric. Umm, everything!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I love destashing my stash! And I love getting me some destashed stuff of someone else's! Right now, I am obsessed with yarn as I just learned how to crochet and have been making flowers and little amigurumis.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm really into paper and stickers - anything to write to pen pals with! Hooray for stationary!
I can't help buying cute fabric in cotton prints. I love it and it is so versatile.
ReplyDeletecallie Jennings
I think without a seam ripper, I'd give up sewing all together! I've even come up with a song for it!
ReplyDeleteshannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I just became obsessed with crochet, so yarn is my current favorite!
ReplyDeleteI go through phases. About a year ago I couldn’t stop buying red heart yarn then it was floral patterned fabric but my favorite is thrift store craft supplies. You never know what you are going to find and what magic you are going to be able to create with it.
ReplyDeleteI have been bitten by the yarn bug and I am afraid there may be no turning back. Quilts and clothes have been put on hold, goccos and fabric have taken a back seat, waiting to see if I can shake the illness. Maybe when I finish this shawl I will be able to think about something else....
My favorite supply is my threads. Second would have to be my patterns.
ReplyDeleteHow fun!
My favorite supply right now is fancy paper.
Thank you!
My name is Mary and my favorite supply is Scotch double sided tape! Yay!
ReplyDeleteThanks for having a giveaway. :)
I am new to sewing, so my new favorite material of the week has to be fabric ... just cannot get enough!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea!
ReplyDeleteAs of right now my favorite supply is scissors! Nice and simple!
right now I am obsessed with embroidery patterns from the internet:)
ReplyDeleteI'm Emily and I love to look at pretty fabric samples! :) Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI've just started to build up an embroidery floss stash. I never used to do many cross-stitch without it being a sampler that comes with everything. But, lately I've been itching to do all sorts of patterns from books and such. Also, I wanted to start trying embroidery soon, so I need thread for that as well.
ReplyDeletethread! i'm working on collecting every color known to man.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite supply is floss. I keep it in boxes and I just love looking at the colors. I think it has a calming effect. Oh and stitching with it is fun too.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Stephanie and my favorite craft supply is acrylic stamps.
ReplyDeleteIt's...a sickness...
My name is Devora. I'm currently in the throes of a fabric fetish (my boyfriend would like to add that this is understating the matter ... a lot) I also adore embroidery floss. :)
ReplyDeletebuttons. def buttons.
ReplyDeleteVintage tea towels for embroidery!
ReplyDeletecertainly fabric
ReplyDeletebuttons buttons buttons - you can never have too many!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! So excited to enter this one!
ReplyDeleteI love fabric and scrapbook paper. You can do LOTS with these things (buy on sale!)
Wow- I've been trying to think of my ONE supply that I'm obsessed with, it's a tie between fabric, yarn, ribbons and buttons (okay, I guess if I had to choose it would be in that order? Although, I've been picking out books on felting, so I suppose once I give that a go, felt will be next-
ReplyDeleteIt may sound boring, but I love adhesives. I love finding just the right one for a project. I love having lots of choices when I'm working on 'stuff.'
ReplyDeleteI'm Lisa and I love buttons! (sounds like I'm at an AA meeting lol)
ReplyDeleteAlways embroidery thread. But I have a stash of cute things I cut out from cards or magazines to make a card for in a pinch!