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Did you have a merry Christmas? I hope so. I had planned on popping in here with a post, but Christmas got busy. Just for about two days. Leading up to Christmas, I can't remember a time that I was more aware of God's gift of Jesus. THAT is a blessing.

Speaking of blessings, how about your family? Yesterday I got it in my head that it would be fun if the six of us kids took a picture together. You know, the self-timer kind of thing. Thankfully Anna suggested using her remote, which saved a lot of trips, and we were able to just snap away. Eventually, it turned into this...





Yes, it was a very merry Christmas!

(Somewhere in the mess of photos, I do think that I got a decent shot...I hope!)


  1. very lovely and very touching. you look as you all had a wonderful time . we had too !!!
    wish you all the best for the (great*) year to come

    * it will be great, hein ?

  2. I just downloaded all of your advent embroidery patterns.Thanks so much for making those available to us this year! Perhaps I'll have enough energy for a "Christmas in July" frenzy this year... :)


I often reply to comments in the comments...check back if you have a question!