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please accept my apologies...


I had really high hopes of getting a July Make. Do. Create. workshop PDF done before, well, before July was done. But it's not gonna happen. I've been so busy working on other fun things, like kiwis, things to do with embroidery and oh yeah, new shop stuff, that this one never came around. But I do want to show you what I was playing with for this workshop that didn't happen.

While explaining the process of crayon tinting to a ten year old, I was asked if you could do the same thing with watercolor paints. An interesting thought, but I told her it would probably wash off of the fabric.


But as I thought about it, I wanted to try it. So I pulled out my opaque watercolors and a small piece of muslin. I painted a few colors onto the fabric (I had to work it in a little), let it dry, then sent it through the laundry. In all honesty, I was hoping the the colors would wash out. It seemed like a perfect washable, reusable, eco-canvas. Guess what. The color stayed. It faded only the tiniest amount. Wow. This presents other possibilities.

painted fabric

So I painted a bigger piece of fabric. The paint colors bleed some, so this isn't really a process that is good for details, but for washes of color (or a slightly fuzzy paint brush), it works. I was going to make this into a paint set/brush/paper wrap (hence the ribbon to tie it), but I may find another use for it. We'll see.

But I would urge you to try out watercolors on muslin or some other cotton. It was fun and the colors come out so pretty!


  1. You painted with watercolors on muslin, washed them & it didn't wash out ??!! That's incredible ! This indeed opens to many possibilities !! This is amazing ! Can't wait to see what you'll be doing next ! oxoxo

  2. oh wow, I'd have been sure watercolours would wash out. Last year I decorated some laundry bags with acrylic paint and they have done really well being repeatedly washed, faded a little but no bleeding. I think it would work great for your designs :)


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