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paper that you must try...

make. do. create. collage sheet

I'm known around these parts for being, um, frugal. In fact, the other day my mom told someone that I'm so tight that I squeak. But I'm proud of this.

That said, there are very few things that I get particular about when it comes to brands. For most things, generic is just as good. But occasionally, I get funny about things. Case in point: I love HP printers. Their print quality always impresses me. But the family wanted to switch to a Kodak printer, to save on ink costs. (They got to me with the idea of saving $$$)

We got the printer, and I printed out some of my designs. I used the same, plain white paper that I had always used with my HP. Ugh. It looked so dull. I was disappointed. But then I tried the sample paper that came with the printer. Wow! What a difference!

wedding party collage sheet

This is not photo paper. It is just basic weight (a bit heavier than copy paper), bright white paper. And I'm here to say that I'm convinced that Kodak's Ultimate Paper is really all that.

Yes, it costs a little more than the cheap stuff, but not a whole lot more (about $7-8 for 500 sheets). But the colors are nice and bright, you can't see right through it, and it is working with the printer which is saving $$$ on ink! Yay!

homework helpers collage sheet

That's the end of my little sales pitch. Except for that these printouts in the pictures are from my new collage sheet sets. I still need to finish setting up the examples on the pages of my composition book. But then they'll be available in my next update. Alright...now that's the end of my sales pitch.


  1. Thanks for the tip! I've been having my stuff professionally printed because I hate how my images come out all dull. I guess I must be using the wrong paper!

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I'm always trying to figure out how to print stuff better.

    LOVE the new designs which are perfie for this homeschool family.


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