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jump into it...

When you say that you want to take more pictures, the best thing to do is to just jump into it and take more pictures, right? So that's what I did.

Well, sort of. Yesterday was a very gray day (which made me feel, well, gray) and so the pictures that I attempted to take were all blech. But today, well, today was wonderful. So inspired by The Flying Collettes, we headed out on a walk to the nearby Civil War cemetery and park.

Anna took that leaping photo of me above. I love how it looks a bit like I'm on the power lines. But if you head to Anna's photostream, you'll also find a few others. I'm not as mean as I look in the pictures. I promise.

tomb jumping

photo shoot

I got to document a bit of what this photo shoot looked like. You know, when I wasn't jumping around like crazy myself.

dandy fluff

I also took some more pictures with the camera on the ground, and decided to start a Flickr set with them. Another set will eventually appear with another new photographic fascination of mine: fire hydrants. Go figure.

One last thing, but you have to keep a secret. Or actually, I have to keep a secret, because my sister might just read this. But I have something fun that I am going to do tonight to go along with all this picture taking. It's very unlike me, and it will make Anna very happy. Beyond that, I probably shouldn't say. But I'm excited. Really.


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