Today, I have some hangable items, as in, prints for your walls. These are some of the ones that I would like to add to my growing collection.
From Groundwork comes "There is Only Make." I find this to be inspiring and just what we all need to hear from time to time.
What's this? Trees with little faces? Of course I like the Tree Family Friends from laurageorge!
Pretty Miss Mabel from cindytomczykart is so wonderful! Don't you love the brown paper she is on?
It's bound to happen sometime. If I Only Knew What Love Is. (I do, just not the mushy love stuff...)
All of Roadside's prints of 3D collages are fantastic. Flying Umbrellas is just one of my favorites.
I had hoped to show a couple of others, but they are all sold out. At least for now. But imagine, if you will, a large poster that says, "Did Someone Say Pie?" Oh yes.
Ooh that first one is so you!! :-D