This is what I'm in the middle of. Felt. Paint. Thread. I love it. Three projects for the Valentine's Day Make. Do. Create. workshop in a PDF are finished and photographed, and two are left to be completed. Almost there.
It's a different thought process to create instructions and take pictures for each step of a project. I feel as though I'm stopping in the middle of things quite a lot, whereas, normally I would just plow on through. Is that good? Not good?
This morning, when my 6-year-old brother was told that it was time to leave, he replied, "Right in the middle of now?"
I am holding onto that phrase. Instead of plowing through the things I do, and life in general, I want to enjoy being right in the middle of now.
Now it's your turn to share: what are you doing right in the middle of now? Are you enjoying it? (I hope so!)
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