Two metal stoves? The story goes like this: I found some metal kitchen appliances, and was taken by them. The stove on the left (with my favorite part, the turkey) was $12, but they accepted my offer of $10. I was quite happy with my purchase. But then I saw an old friend (about 30 seconds later...really!), who asked me what I had bought. "Oh, I have one like that! You can have it!", she said, and then proceeded to give me the stove on the right, as well as two other bags full of toys. So there you go. Two metal stoves.
I also acquired this little plastic figures. They were $1 for all four, plus a giraffe that my sister picked out. I love them. They were carefully chosen for their seemingly randomness, and now sit on my shelf in their little grouping. Sometimes the simple things in life bring one joy.
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