My 92-year-old "aunt" recently moved to a smaller apartment, and I assisted in going through some of the odds and ends that she acquired over the years. She kept so many things and was so organized about most of it. One of my favorite things was a drawer that had file folders containing used envelopes that could be reused, or pieces or cardboard that may have a use. It's very like me to not want to throw something away in case you could use it.
It's oh so environmentally least for the overall environment. Not the day to day environment you live in. That gets a bit full.
With that in mind, not everything could be saved. But I did hang on to some stuff. Like this box of envelopes. They are all new old envelopes, just a couple of each kind in an old box that was too wonderful to lose. I find that I need to de-stash to make room for the new stash...
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