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an update...

I'm feeling a little un-bloggy, but it'll clear if I keep on. I hope. So here's what I'm up to right now:
  • Bitty Breakfast Buddies buttons are done, and waiting on packaging (which I hope to print tomorrow)
  • Companions to them, and the Just Desserts, are also done and soon to be buttons (they'll be the Out to Lunch Bunch and the Dinnertime Diners)
  • My brain has turned to mush (okay, it has become mushier) as evidenced by some bad accounting (we're talking basic math here)
  • At the last minute I've decided to contribute to The Sampler again for the May Sampler, which means hustling to get Pathetic Popsicles all set to go
  • The hand carved stamps in the Carve Your Stamps photo group have me hankerin' to make more stamps, and yet, I seem to have some sort of a block as to what to make
That is all.


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