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an Easter printable...

Costume Kid - Egg Holder

Yay! Easter is almost here! And a holiday such as this, deserves a printable!

When I started working on the printables for the Characteristics, I wanted to make egg stands to go along with the Excited Egg. But then I discovered the problem. Excited Egg is the April Characteristic, and Easter would fall in March. So sad. And so, I decided that there would still need to be Easter egg holders, only it would fall to the Costume Kids to make these printables all that they could be. See? All that depression yesterday paid off!

So, download and print yours out today. They'll be just the thing for all those eggs you'll be dying soon. I just don't suggest using them with the egg salad after Easter.


  1. I totally have to get started on the egg thing! we are running so behind!! my poor kids have not even seen the Easter Bunny yet!!

  2. No worries! We're way behind here too...and it feels worse because I keep thinking that today is Friday!

  3. Lovely. Would love to have this linked to What to do Weekends party. Linda



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