At last! Photos of some of the fun that I've had this December! Actually, that was one of the reasons that I started this blog. As a means of inspiring me to do more fun things. I think that I've gotten better about that. Now I have so much fun that I don't have time to blog about it. Well, not quite that much fun...
Now, pictures. Above are some of the Christmas cookies that we baked this year. Between my mom and I we baked 15 kinds. Some traditional, some new recipes. Below are some peppermint striped meringues (although I left them a traditional vanilla flavor) that were fun to make and so pretty.
My little brothers and sister decorated most of these cookies and it was a huge mess. Puddles of icing, piles of sprinkles. I really prefer to cook alone, and to be in control. This is one of the few things that I get really controlling about, but I thought that it would be fun to let them do this. Anna commented about me trying to stay out of it and just let them go to it, but it was so difficult for me. So, I'll keep trying to relax when it comes to this sort of thing, and next year the icing will be thicker.
Because we're crazy people, Anna and I make new ornaments for our tree every year. As in, all new ornaments. This results in things that we can make quickly and easily. This year they were all edible ornaments. Cookies, gumdrop wreaths and stars, marshmallow garland (Anna strung every marshmallow...bless her), and a peppermint star (melted, not glued). We've already been talking about what we may make next year.
Speaking of ornaments, this Merry Tree is the ornament that I made for the Holiday Ornament Swap. A brief shout out of thanks to Group 57 for the nifty gifts I'm still receiving!
The sorrowful chicken that I created some months back was the inspiration for this ornament that I gave my grandpa. It matches the print that I made and gave him for his birthday. And I have to admit, I was both surprised and pleased when he recognized that they went together!
For Anna, I made this embroidered tote bag. She loves trees. And this one is loosely based on her tree. The tree that my family planted in honor of her joining the family. (We each get one when we're adopted, and are running out of room in the yard...some would say the house too!)
Finally, here's the stash of craft supplies that I got for Christmas. Wow! So many fun things just waiting to be made!
I hope you and yours had a wonderful time this Christmas! And now, it's about time to look forward to the coming year...
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