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and i'm vanessa...

We (my brother, sister and I) were reminiscing today about ABC's One Saturday Morning, and a couple of our favorite mini shows. Mrs. Munger's class was always great, and I was able to find a couple clips on YouTube:

But truly, our favorite was always a 30-second show called "Flyndiggery Do!" If you never saw it, allow me to help you picture it: a Crocodile Hunter type--Australian accent and everything, comes on and says, "I'm Alistair Flyndiggery!" Cut to a shot of the same guy, this time as a girl, who says, "And I'm Vanessa!" Back to Alistair: "Yes you are." He goes on to tell about some kind of animal, but it always disappears, "Hey, where'd it go?"

Maybe you had to see it to get the effect. I do know though that others found this as amusing as we did. A few years back, we were standing in line for the Jungle Cruise and Disney World when we looked over and saw a couple of teenagers doing their own version of Flyndiggery Do! for the family video camera. Priceless. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any surviving clips of the actual show on the internet. Actually, I would have settled for clips from that family's version...


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    i am saddened to see that this video is no longer working. my sister and i say this at least weakly when something comes up about who someone is or what something is. and we want to see this clip again.
    know anywhere else it is?

  2. This is perfect because seeing those photos I got a lot of memories when I was child, actually I have some old pictures at home which I should rest restore.

  3. I was Googling "And I'm Vanessa" and I'm glad to see that someone else shares this memory. I feel like we're best friends.

    1. Yes! Im so bummed the video isn't working. Honestly, I was looking this up today because my son and I say it...a lot, but he cant visualise Vanessa. Weird, because I'd have gone in and read what you had to say anyway, but I love Wild Olive and have for a while. Cool.

    2. I googled "and I'm Vanessa" too! Glad I'm not alone.

  4. Anonymous12:55 AM

    It's a shame can't find clips of this anywhere

  5. Wow. That was a favorite of our family. We still quote the "I'm Vanessa" and "Yes, you are!" That was such a happy time for us. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Oh my God! I"m not the only one! I was talking to my boyfriend about this today and he had no idea what I was talking about! Thanks!

  7. Valecia11:01 PM

    I am so happy someone else is talking about this I was looking for the clip everywhere cannot find it I was just talking to my sister Vanessa!! About this I posted I am Alistair Flyndiggery and I'm Vanessa Yes you are on her page if someone finds the clip would you please email it to me I would love to see that again valecia25@yahoo.com

  8. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Every week I yell "And I'm Vanessa!" after the hosts introduce themselves at the beginning of 60 minutes.
    I got my hopes up thinking this blog post would lead me to a video. It must exist *somewhere*...

    1. No joke: I Google this show every few months, hoping that videos will turn up. One time I got close, but the page had old links. So sad! You can bet that if I ever find a way to see these episodes, I'll share it here!

  9. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Depending on when this was, it may have been me that you saw. I was taking time off school to go to Disney World but my media teacher still wanted me to work on a project so that was basically what I had to make.

    1. How fun! I hope you got a great grade for your excellent taste in shows!

  10. How has not a single clip of this survived? Not even an audio clip! It is a small club if those that even remember this obscure sketch, and apparently an even smaller club of us who found it utterly hilarious! I still say "yes you are!" In my best Alistair voice all the time. If anyone finds even an audio clip, please post it.

  11. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I've been looking for it too. I have a friend named Vanessa who I would say it to all the time. She didn't get it. She thought I was making fun of her. So I set out to find the clip.... But I can't find it either....sad

  12. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Lol I also say it to all the Vanessa's I come across and there are nothing but crickets but it still entertains me.

  13. Please find that clip

  14. It seems it used to belong to Disney's One Saturday Morning.

  15. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Thank you, Wild Olive, for posting the name of the show!! I honestly didn't think I was going to find it when I typed "and I'm Vanessa" into Google....

    Anyways, I found a clip!! It starts at 8:20

    Thanks to Reddit user AllElseFails85:

    1. Thank you SO MUCH for posting that link!


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