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Act of God?

As mentioned, I'm away right now. A business trip to Florida...and it's quite a change in weather from Chicago! Since I've been here, I've seen the newly set up print shop, visited with the folks doing our digital printing and seen a demo of the HP Indigo.

Yesterday I took a short tour of a fellow employee's property, post hurricanes. It was remarkable. A very large tree had fallen through a shed. The walls were still pretty much there; the tree was just in the middle of them. There were many other trees down, and things looked pretty rough. While looking around I started thinking about God. A hurricane is referred to as an act of God. That made such sense when I saw the trees. It was like a way for God to help us clear things and start fresh. Sure there is a lot of hard work involved, but perhaps we needed that little "push."

As all of this was sinking in, a butterfly showed up. Amongst all of the giant trees and limbs, all of the damage and devastation, here was life. Beautiful, fresh new life. Such a contrast. God was there. I can hardly put it into words. You should have been there.

Okay, now enough with the being reflective. I'll go back to discussing the important stuff, like cartoons.

1 comment:

  1. My deepest apologies for the bad link. It has been corrected. Thank you. And no worries about the demo. It was good to chat with you, and I can come for a demo (and perhaps another chat) another time...


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